Putty paste
Putty paste

putty paste

If this is meant to work, then perhaps this should be a bug report.I have taken some lines from notepad++ and pasted to the putty-nd session.

putty paste

So fundamentally, my question is how do you copy text out of putty, or for that matter, into putty? Being able to copy commands into putty would be a very useful time-saver. The middle mouse button appears to act like the Enter key and is therefore no good, and the right hand mouse button acts similarly to the left hand mouse button. I can see the text being highlighted as I hold down the left mouse button, but on release, there is nothing copied to clipboard and as such an attempted paste (in Libre Office Writer for example) shows nothing. The previous version had no ability to copy/paste either, at least on my machine. To clarify, I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 (up to date) and have installed the latest version of Putty (0.70 at the time of writing this question).

putty paste

I have tried all suggestions mentioned in that link, using the mouse to highlight text, but it does not work. How do I copy text from PuTTY to another window? This is similar to the question found here:

Putty paste