Purebasic file exists
Purebasic file exists

purebasic file exists

purebasic file exists

s ( 1 ) Create array ProcessList (ProcessName ( ) ,PID ( ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", "ProcessName: " +ProcessName ( 10 ) + " YourPID: " +PID ( 10 ) ) # ProcessList For i = 0 To ArraySize (ProcessName ( ) )ĭebug ProcessName (i ) + " PID : " + PID (i ) Next MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit" ,ProcessorArch ( ) )

purebasic file exists

Purebasic file exists code#

PureBasic Code : Executable Size : 12 kb with UPX Real Compiler ( Your source code is secure )Įxpand collapse popup IncludeFile "AutoitCoding.PB" MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123a")) StringIs.PB be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123")) StringIs.PB be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable InetGet ("","image.jpg") InetFonctions be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable #Mouse Dim xy ( 1 ) MouseGetPos (xy ( ) )ĭebug "Pos : X : " +xy ( 0 ) + " Y : " +xy ( 1 )ĭebug WinGetHandle ( "Notepad" ) # ProcessList Dim ProcessName.

purebasic file exists

Expand collapse popup $Time = TimerInit ( ) MsgBox ( 16, "Autoit", StringIsDigit ( "123a" ) ) MsgBox ( 16, "Autoit", StringIsDigit ( "123" ) ) $VarBin = StringToBinary ( "Hello" ) MsgBox ( 64, "Autoit", ) MsgBox ( 64, "Autoit", ) MsgBox ( 64, "Autoit", $VarBin ) MsgBox ( 64, "Autoit", BinaryToString ( $VarBin ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", StringLen ( "bonjour" ) ) MsgBox ( 1, "Autoit", ) MsgBox ( 2, "Autoit", ) Sleep ( 1000 ) MsgBox ( 3, "Autoit", FileGetSize ( "test.pb" ) ) MsgBox ( 4, "Autoit", Random ( 1, 10, 1 ) ) $Variable = FileGetSize ( "test.pb" ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", $Variable ) InetGet ("","image.jpg") MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", StringReplace ( "Hella", "a", "o" ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", StringTrimLeft ( "Hello", 1 ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", StringTrimRight ( "Hello", 1 ) ) If FileExists ( "test.pb" ) Then MsgBox ( 0, "Title", "the file exist" ) Else MsgBox ( 0, "Title", "the file does not exist" ) EndIf MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", FileGetTime ( "UPX.exe", 1, 1 ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", FileGetTime ( "UPX.exe", 1, 1 ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", FileGetVersion ( "UPX.exe" ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", TimerDiff ( $Time ) ) If IsAdmin ( ) Then MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", "IsAdmin You are administrator !." ) Else MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", "IsAdmin You are not administrator !." ) EndIf MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", String ( 10 ) ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", Ping ( "" ) ) # StringSplit $Split = StringSplit ( "ABC*DEFG*JKL", "*" ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", $Split ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", $Split ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", $Split ) # StringSplit IniWrite ( "setup3.ini", "General", "Title", "AutoIt" ) $inivar = IniRead ( "setup3.ini", "General", "Title", Default ) MsgBox ( 0, "Autoit", $inivar )

Purebasic file exists